Jessica has spent her lifetime

dedicated to the pursuit of healing in the name of liberation for all. This path has looked different over time and has always had the North Star of liberation within for liberation without.

Her early career was in Social Work and supporting children and families who were deeply impacted by trauma of all kind to be as healthy and whole as possible. This work was deeply meaningful. As she deepened into the work, she found her gifts in  holding truly transformational space for people and this led her to pursue her license as a therapist.

And in the pursuit of the most effective tools for healing and transformation not only for her clients, but for herself as well, she was drawn to the body and became certified in Somatic Experiencing, a modality that works with the body to heal trauma at the core. This article is a helpful way to learn more about Somatic Experiencing.

As her work and own healing deepened, she was drawn to the more spiritual side of healing, she understood the mind and body and knew that there was another level, the level of the soul. This drew her to the Magdalene Rose Mystery School and the teaching of Earth Based Shamanic Medicine through the Q’ero lineage.

Today, Jessica offers transformational healing as a Medicine Woman and Somatic Coach. In her mentorship packages, she uses a blend of Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Parts Work, training as Priestess, her intuitive guidance and Shamanic Earth Based Medicine. She also offers Earth Based Medicine ceremonies in their own packages in person and online.

This work offers healing and transformation for Jessica’s clients that is truly holistic at the level of the mind, body and soul.
Her clients experience life in a whole new way, they feel empowered to truly live as their authentic selves. They live with more of their light body intact.

When people experience trauma, of any kind, it impacts their physical body as well as their energy body and soul. Jessica brings tools and facilitates healing space for all of these dimensions, the body and the soul come back into wholeness.

Jessica has chosen to no longer practice under license as a therapist because this paradigm does not align. Jessica does not diagnose mental health conditions or prescribe treatment as the expert. She aligns with you as a Medicine Woman, to support you being in your highest self, your highest timeline. She partners with you to live from your knowing and your wisdom.

Experience & Credentials

  • Magdalene Rose Priestess since 2023

  • Lifelong student of Earth Based Medicine and grateful to my teacher Marilu Shinn and the Q'ero lineage

  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner since 2013/2015

  • Licensed Therapist since 2015 (working since 2010 once graduated)

  • Masters Degree in Social Work